Renata Perissinotto Passos
+55 21 995609310 /


Graduated on Visual Arts by the School of Coommunication and Arts from the University of São Paulo (USP) (2009 - 2015)

Master degree on Contemporary Studies of Arts on the Post-Grad. Program from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) (2016-2018)


Dancer on the Laboriatorial Zone form the Experimental Nucleus of Butoh – august 2018 (still)

Participation as speaker, presenting the essay Material insubordination: body and city on digital representations on the IV Seminar of Digital Arts Laboratory of Borderline Poetics (UEMG, CEFET-MG, UFSM, FAD/ICAT) - Belo Horizonte, MG - april 2018.

Resident Artist with the collective Abismo on the Artistical Residency of Casa Duna in Atafona, RJ - december de 2017.

Dancer and contributor on Espaço Rampa de Criação - Rio de Janeiro 2016-2017.

Participation as speaker, presenting the essay Future without image on the Seminar Uso impróprio from the Post-Grad. Program on Arts from the Fluminense Federal University - Niterói, RJ, novembro de 2016.

Participation as artist with the project Monstros Aquáticos on the Contemporary Art Museum, on the collective exhibition Uso Impróprio - Niterói, RJ, november 2016.

Participation as speaker, presenting the essay Art education and cultural system: interconnections between art and work, on the II International Congress of Art Education on the Universidade Distrital Francisco José de Caldas - Bogotá, Colômbia. September 2015.

Producer at the collective Canil_Espaço Fluxus de Cultura – São Paulo 2010-2015

Creator and curator of the festival Kinoonibus – short movies on the city buses - São Paulo 2014.

Actress on the Grupo de Teatro da Poli na Universidade de São Paulo. 2009 (terror and misery on the third reich) and 2010 (hamlet machine).

Participation as artist on the Festival Contato, with the Project ‘ocupa fm’ - Universidade Federal de São Carlos. 2009.



Jr. Teacher on the Graduation program from the Institute of Arts and Social Comunication on the Fluminense Federal University, ministering classes on “Interlocutions between art and politcs” – Rio de Janeiro, 2016.

Art teacher on the Prof. Clorinda Danti State School, for Elementary School – Sŋao Paulo, 2012 - 2014

Assistant teacher for the 1st grade of Elementary School on the Private School Alecrim – São Paulo, 2013

Art teacher assistant on the Escola de Aplicação, school from the Education College from the University of São Paulo, for classes from Middle School and High School. – São Paulo, 2011
Estagiaria na Escola de Aplicação na área de Artes Visuais com as turmas de 6º e

Educator at the 29° Bienal of São Paulo - São Paulo, 2010

Educator at FILE (International Festival of Eletronic Language) - São Paulo, 2008.

Executive Producer

Production and performers preparation for the piece ‘'SHRINK’’ from the artist Lawrence Malstaf for the exhibition of the FILE (International Festival of Eletronic Language on the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - Brasília - october 2017, Belo Horizonte - january 2018 and Rio de Janeiro - april 2018.

Production and design of the exhibition ''Data Arte'' organized by periódico El Faro (El Salvador) and the mídia collective Gênero e Número on the Parque das Ruínas - Rio de Janeiro - november 2017.

Production of the piece ''Tape'' from the collective NUMEN on the exhibition of the International Festival of Eletronic Language on the Galeria de Arte do Sesi - São Paulo, june 2016.

Executive production for the artist Denise Milan - São Paulo, 2014_ 2015.

Production of the exhibition ‘FILE ANIMA + FILE GAMES’ (International Festival of Eletronic Language) on the Oi Futuro Flamengo - Rio De Janeiro - november 2015.

Production of the exhibition from the International Festival of Eletronic Language on the Galeria de Arte do Sesi - São Paulo - june 2015.

Logistic organization and production of the Project: ''Coletivo Brasileiro Rumo ao Fórum Social Mundial 2015 na Tunísia’' (World Social Forum) – São Paulo/Tunis, january-april 2015.

Production of the exhibition ‘’FILE Curitiba’’ from the International Festival of Eletronic Language on the Galeria de Arte do Sesi - Curitiba, november 2014.

Production assistant on the exhibition ‘'FILE RIO’' do International Festival of Eletronic Language on the gallery from Oi Futuro Flamengo - Rio de Janeiro, august 2012.

Production of the exhibition ‘'FILE POA’' (International Festival of Eletronic Language) on the Santander Cultural - Porto Alegre, january 2011.

Production of the exhibition of the International Festival of Eletronic Language na Galeria de Arte do Sesi - São Paulo, june 2010.

Production assistant on the exhibition of the International Festival of Eletronic Language on the Galeria de Arte do Sesi - São Paulo, june 2009.


Introdução às (po)éticas corpóreas de Tatsumi Hijikata e Kazuo Ôno (Introduction to body poetics from Kazuo Ôno and Tatsumi Hijikata). Núcleo experimental de Butô. São Paulo, SP. July 2018.

III CIKI - Encontro de Contato Improvisação e Kinomichi (III Meeting of Contact Improvisation and Kinomichi). With Christiana Cavalcanti (Br.), Sofia Giliberti (It.) and Gabriel Greca (Ar.). Rio de Janeiro, RJ. july, 2018.

Butô, Terrorismo Poético & Arte-Sabotagem: Confluências entre Tatsumi Hijikata e Hakim Bey (Butoh, Poetic Terrorism & Art-Sabotage: Confluences between Tatsumi Hijikata and Hakin Bey). Núcleo experimental de Butô. São Paulo, SP. April and may, 2018.

V Encontro Diamantino Internacional de Contato e Improvisção (V Contact Improvisation International Meeting). With Paulo Mantuano(Br) and Gabriel Greca (Ar). Igatu, Bahia. December ,2017 – january, 2018.

Workshop ‘Corpo em Potência’ (Pontecy body), somatic movement, with Paulo Mantuano - Rampa Espaço de criação, Rio de Janeiro. Julho de 2017.

Wokshop ‘Butoh Mah’, with Tadashi Endo - Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro. June 2017.

Workshop ‘Mapping as Walking as Learning to see in Digital Age’, with Roberley Bell e Dr. Ayşe Coşkun Orlandı. - ISEA 2011, Istambul. Setember 2011.

Workshop ‘Registro Digital do Corpo em Movimento’ (Digital Register of the Body in Movement) with Analivia Cordeiro eandJoão Penoni - Paço das Artes, São Paulo, march 2011.

Workshop ‘Seqüencial Tones’ on the 3rd Ward Desing Center – New York, february de 2010.

Workshop ‘Phisycal Computers Arduino’, with professor Michael Zick Doherty on the 3rd Ward Desing Center - New York, february de 2010.

Workshop ‘intervenções urbanas : arte/cidade’ (urban interventions: art/city) with Nelson Brissac on the Centro Universitário Maria Antonia – São Paulo 2009.

Workshop on video-art with Cristiane Mello on the Faculdade Santa Marcelina. – São Paulo 2008.